compartir la paternidad. Share parenthood

su descripción
Spain / Pais Vasco /
Categorías : Genitor, Natural Donante de esperma | Coparentalidad | Homoparentalidad |
Último inicio de sesión: Este año

I'm from Venezuela but I have almost a decade living in the north of Spain, I'm a professional and single. I have lots of sense of humor, love to talk with people, and learn new stuff. I was raice by a single mom, that's why I'm looking for someone to share the experience of being a parent, it could be a single man or a gay couple (male) because I think a baby needs to have a support of different people. I'm agnostic and maybe I can relocate to accomplish this dream.

Mándale un mensaje

su descripción
Tamaño : 159 cm
peso : 63 kg
Color de ojos : Castaño
Color de cabello : Moreno
Tamaño del pelo : Largo
Silueta : Normal
